After your complete all the details on Amazon, You will be required to move on to the next step which is know as Brand Registry.
Now What is Brand Registry on Amazon ?
In simple words I can explain you is that Amazon requires an authorization letter under which you will mention that the Brand Name which you are using to identify your products are sold under the knowledge of the company. If in future there is any issue for the products Amazon will not be stated responsible for that as you have given a note to amazon on your letter pad that you are the owner of the brand or you have the rights to sell on the name which you have mentioned in the letter head.
How is the Brand Registry done ?
It’s simple you need an Image of the product with your band name tag on it,
It should be an original image captured.
The complete product should be visible.
The Brand name should be visible.
While you will also have to prepare a letter head on the company name which you have registered, Stating the following sentence as mentioned below.
SubJect : Brand Registry
Brand Name : The name of your Brand
This is to certify that the brand “Your Brand Name” is owned by us and we are the manufacturer of the brand.
We acknowledge that we are the owner of the brand.
This should be mentioned on a letter pad and should be scanned and sent to the amazon team for your band approval. After you send this it generally take 24 to 48 hours to complete the brand approval process.
I hope the article helps.
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