Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How to Fix Suppressed Listings on Amazon and the 5 Most Common Reason Your Listing Will Be Suppressed

Why Does Amazon Suppress a Listing?

Amazon cares about customers and sales, knowing what they care most about helps put their use of listing suppression into context. They want to protect the buying experience and ensure listings that don’t meet their quality expectations are not shown in their marketplace.

What Does a Suppressed Listing Mean?

When a listing has been suppressed it means Amazon determined the listing to have a problem and not compliant with there marketplace standards. When your listing is suppressed it will not show up in the search results on Amazon.

What is the impact to your sales of a suppressed listing?

The impact of a suppressed listing is that it will no longer show up on the search results in Amazon and your sales on that listing will be dropped to 0.

It Isn’t Always Easy to Detect a Suppressed Listing

To detect a listing suppression (see this article for more details on how to detect if your listing has been suppressed)
To check if your listing has been suppressed you can

How to Fix Your Suppressed Listing

To identify and fix suppressed listings, follow these steps:
  1. In your seller account, click the Inventory tab and select Manage Inventory.
  2. Select Suppressed in the top navigation pane. 
    If you have suppressed listings, you will see "Suppressed" in the top navigation pane. If you do not have any suppressed listings, you will not see this option.
  3. Select a viewing option, such as All Suppressed Listings, or only a specific type of suppressed listing, such as Image Missing.
  4. Select a listing and click the Edit button, and then select Edit (top option) or Manage images.
  5. On the Amazon Product Summary page, select a tab with an alert indicator. 
    Suppressed listings are indicated by a red exclamation point. You may also see Quality alerts, which are indicated by a yellow triangle.
  6. After you have resolved all alerts for a listing, click Save and finish.
Suppressed Listings alerts usually disappear from the Manage Inventory page within a few minutes of saving your updates. However, alerts can remain on the "Listing Quality and Suppressed Listings Report" for 48 hours or more.

For Professional Sellers


If you have a Professional selling plan and update your listings using inventory files, you can still use Manage Inventory to make changes. However, you must also update your inventory files or you may overwrite the changes you submitted through Manage Inventory.
To avoid this duplication of work, follow these steps:
  1. On the Inventory tab, select Inventory Reports.
  2. From the drop-down menu, select Listing Quality and Suppressed Listings Report.
  3. Click the Request Report button. 
    When your report is ready, the message in the "Download" column will change from "Not Ready" to a "Download" button.
  4. Click the Download button to download your report.
  5. Using the Listing Quality report, modify your inventory files and save your changes.
  6. Upload your updated files.
Suppressed Listings alerts usually disappear from the Manage Inventory page within a few minutes of saving your updates. However, alerts can remain on the "Listing Quality and Suppressed Listings Report" for 48 hours or more.
5 Most Common Mistakes You Need To Avoid To Ensure Your Listing Isn’t Suppressed
1. Title – Too long
  • It depends on your category but one of the fastest ways to get your listing suppressed is to have too long of a listing title. Here is a great article from Seller Labs on the impact of long titles on your listing getting blocked.
2. Title – Promotional
  • If your title is too promotional including “best” “cheapest” “top rated” or similar than your listing will quickly get suppressed.
3. Image - Missing an Image
  • Amazon doesn’t want their listings to look incomplete and the image is one of the 2 most important parts of the listing. Therefore Amazon will suppress a listing until an image is displayed.
4. Image – Image not compliant
  • The most common reason if you have an image on your listing and your listing is suppressed due to your image not being compliant it is likely due to your main image not having a white background. There could be other reasons your main image is not compliant but this seems to be the most common reason a listing is suppressed due to the image not being compliant.
5. Missing Key Information
  • Amazon wants their marketplace to have listings with all the information necessary for their customers to make informed buying decisions. If you are missing any of your critical information there is a good chance that your listing will be suppressed. This critical information is most commonly the UPC, Bullet Points, Description and Brand Info.

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